Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Aah, Iceland...

Here's a clip for you from Mum, one of my favourite Icelandic bands, for their track 'Weeping Rock, Rock'...

And here's another, for the sublime 'Green Grass of Tunnel'.

It was just over a year ago that I saw these guys live, in Amsterdam. I'd love to see them perform in from of a home crowd in Iceland. Maybe one day...


mskp said...

ha ha ha. i just spent ages trying to figure out why your mum had given us a clip of icelandic music to listen to. then the penny dropped. der!

Risperdal Constatine I said...

Can I be excused from going there with you, Rich?

TheDreamer said...

Mum are brill. But having spent some time this summer driving around Iceland I feel obliged to offer two important additional words on the Great Icelandic Music Debate...

Sigur Ros
Sigur Ros (it's worth repeating, they're that good)

Thanks for the Mum vids...

richardwatts said...

You dag, kp. *hug*

Accidental Activist: I simply ADORE Sigur Ros. *gushes* They are that good, aren't they!?

Evol Kween said...

Mmmmm, Sigur Ros. Have you seen Screaming Masterpiece? Documentary about the music scene in Iceland. 'Tis rather good.

richardwatts said...

Yeah I have Evol, I saw it at MIFF last year, and then saw Sigur Ros soon after! *rapterous swoon* The best bit for me was seeing Amina in the film, then walking into the concert hall and realising that's who the support act were...

Evol Kween said...

OMG - Amina were absolutely amazing too, both in the doco and at the Sigur Ros show!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the doco, I also loved those little kids in that cheesy Thrash band, who score the chance to open up for Foo Fighters. Hysterical!